#315 dress, #303 sweet, #313 wait, #311 smooth

May 25, 2012 09:08

title: the girl in the dress
fandom: RPF
pairing: Charlize Theron/Kristen Stewart
rating: PG-13
word count: 211
challenge: #315 dress
summary: "No one liked my dress," Kristen says.

the girl in the dress

title: Nothing Sweet About Me
fandom: RPF
pairing: Kristen Stewart/Taylor Swift
rating: PG
word count: 135
challenge: #303 sweet
summary: "I know you don't like me," Taylor says.

Nothing Sweet About Me

title: never wanted to wait
fandom: RPF
pairing: Dakota Fanning/Kristen Stewart
rating: PG
word count: 154
challenge: #313 wait
summary: You can't help feeling like you've never really known her.

never wanted to wait

title: from may to december
fandom: RPF
pairing: Charlize Theron/Kristen Stewart
rating: PG-13
word count: 170
challenge: #311 smooth
summary: Experience is good.

from may to december

challenge320, challenge313, author: olivia_j, challenge311, challenge303, fandom: rpf, challenge315

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