All Consuming Love (Xena; Xena/Gabby; G; #316: Beginning)

Apr 26, 2012 01:51

Working Title: All Consuming Love
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: G
Challenge: #316: Beginning
Date Written: 20 April, 2012
Word Count: 250
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

She doesn't know when it started. She knows she's been amazed by her beloved since the very first day she rescued her. From that day forward, she's always been enthralled by her and determined to follow her every move, rather it takes her to the Elysian Fields, Tartarus, or anywhere in between.

They've been friends almost as long, too, but what Gabrielle doesn't know is when exactly that friendship shifted and became more, became the love they share now. Not being able to define that moment makes writing their story somewhat challenging for the bard who strives to include all details.

But then, one day, after a particularly gruesome battle through which they almost didn't survive, when Xena catches her up in her arms, swings her around joyously, and their eyes meet just before they kiss, Gabby realizes it doesn't matter when it started. They've always loved each other.

There's no more a set beginning for their love than there will ever be an end for their love is the most fundamental truth they share and when all else is stripped away, when they have nothing else, like before they came into this world and when they leave again, that all-consuming love will always be theirs for it defines them more than anything else, including the air they breathe and all they've done before and after. It's like time itself. All things pale in comparison. There is no end or beginning. There is only them and the love they share.

The End

challenge316, fandom: xena, author: katleept

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