Title: Pretty
gamma_x_orionisPrompt: Greek Mythology - Aphrodite
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lily/Narcissa
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: A little vanity is not really such a horrible thing.
Lily waited, sitting cross-legged on Narcissa’s bed while she admired herself in the mirror.
“I think I look rather lovely with my hair pinned up,” Narcissa commented, holding her hair in a knot on the crown of her head to demonstrate.
“You always look lovely,” Lily said honestly.
Narcissa beamed, though she blushed demurely and let her pale locks tumble down around her face again. “Oh, stop it, Lily! You flatter…”
“No I don’t,” Lily said. “We both know it.”
“Hmm…” Narcissa said, tapping her prettily pursed lips with the tip of one perfectly manicured finger. “Well… perhaps you’re right.”