Working Title: Promise
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: G
Challenge: #286: Key
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, none of whom are myself.
Xena grinned at her love, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "I have half a mind," she declared, "not to get the key."
Gabrielle scrunched her nose as she looked at her. She'd not dare leave her in these handcuffs, but she knew what she meant nonetheless even if she didn't find her joke amusing. "You don't need a key for me to bellydance for you. All you have to do is ask."
"True," Xena said, cupping her love's cheek, "but I do like the outfit." She kissed her quickly. "And I don't need a key any way." She broke her chains with her sword, then turned as angry voices filled the area to fight off the ones who had taken her beloved from her and stolen others to make them dance for their amusement.
"Get us out of here," Gabrielle called, grabbing her bo staff Xena had carried with her, "and I'll dance for you every night of the week!"
"That's a promise," Xena returned for they both knew she would free them. Spinning her chakram, she went to work with the thought of her love dancing just for her spurring her to defeat the villans even faster than usual.
The End