#40, playing catch up (1)

Oct 28, 2005 18:41

Generic Author Note: I joined up at challenge #34, so I've gone back and written for all the ones I missed. There's a mix of She Spies, CSI, Charmed, Hex and Harry Potter in these posts & I have one more post to do with drabbles for challenges #33 & #39. These posts have #1-#32, excluding #30, which I couldn't find! All 250 words. Watch out for the mild incest in the Charmed drabbles, and spoilers for the current season in anything Hex. Sorry for the multi-post spam!

Title: First Kiss.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pairing: Ginny/Luna.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #1, awakening.

"You just kissed me!" Ginny said, staring at Luna in something akin to shock.

"That would be right," Luna agreed, wandering over to the window and looking out at the stars. "It's pretty tonight, don't you think?"


"Why is it pretty?" Luna asked in surprise. "Well, the stars are out and--"

"No Luna," Ginny said impatiently. "Why did you just kiss me?"

"Oh, that!" Luna smiled at her. "Because I wanted to. I like you Ginny." Her face fell as she added, "Didn't you want me to?"

"You just… surprised me, that's all," Ginny said finally. She wasn't exactly inexperienced but she'd never really considered kissing another girl. "Not in a bad way, just, you know, in a surprised way."

"We can forget it happened if you want," Luna said, shrugging her shoulders as she turned away. "I don't mind."

"Well I do!" Ginny reached out to grab her arm, forcing Luna to face her. "Just give me a minute, okay? This is kind of new to me."

"You never wanted to kiss a girl before?" Luna said in surprise.

"No! I mean," she hastily corrected, "I've had crushes on girls before but I never really thought about actually kissing one."

"Girls are lots of fun," Luna giggled softly. "You should have thought about it."

"I'm thinking about it now!" Ginny groaned. "You've awakened my girl-loving side, okay? Now give me a minute!"

"I could give you another kiss?" Luna suggested, grinning.

Ginny looked thoughtful. "That works too."

Title: Crashing Down Around You.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing(s): Cassie/DD, Cassie/Cross.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #2, heartbreak.

You leave the office as fast as you can, bolting past the surprised Duncan without a word, pressing the elevator button over and over again, desperate to get away from the scene you just witnessed. The elevator takes its time arriving and you're through the doors as they're opening, finger on the ground floor button, willing them to close faster, faster.

The trip seems to take twice as long as normal, though logically you know that isn't possible, and it's only when you're out of the elevator, out of the main doors, that you feel safe enough to stop and catch your breath; heart hammering in your chest as the tears you've been fighting finally fall.

You didn't ask for this, didn't want to fall in love with someone you couldn't have, but you did and you've lost her, to him, to your boss, and it feels like the whole world is crashing down around you.

It hurts to breathe and you know that you're over-reacting to this -- you are, you were never going to be able to have her and you knew that -- but you don't care, and, oh god, you think you might be sick. She could have broken your heart quietly, with a simple 'I'm dating Cross' thrown into the conversation, but instead she had to break it by staging a scene from a porn flick in his office late at night.

This changes everything and you fear it's never going to be the same.

Title: Keeping Secrets.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: DD/Nick & various others.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #4, secrets.

DD's never liked secrets. Her life used to be an open book, just so she could avoid them, but these days it seems that's all she has and she hates it. She doesn’t know why people feel the need to tell her their secrets; she supposes it's because she's comforting and they trust her, which is nice, but she wishes they wouldn't.

She's the only one who knows about Duncan's crush on Shane and he's sworn her to secrecy, so she can't tell Cassie or Shane herself. He calls her whenever he wants to talk, because she said 'call me if you want me to listen' and, unfortunately, he wants her to listen a lot.

Then Shane chose her to confide in about her feelings for Cross-- what is it about Cross? First Cassie, now Shane! Cross is okay, but she doesn't really see it. And he's their boss, which would be a big problem for her.

Cassie, since she has no idea, makes the situation worse every time she brings up Cross in conversation, and DD has no idea how to go about asking her to be more tactful, without spilling Shane's secret. She's never liked keeping secrets from Cassie.

Yet she's keeping her own feelings for Cassie, and Shane's feelings for Cross, a secret. Not to mention her new relationship, if it can really be called that, with Nick a secret from everyone.

She buries herself in work to avoid her friends and hopes for a good resolution.

Title: Goals and Targets.
Fandom: Hex.
Pairing: Thelma-centric, Thelma/Ella.
W/Count: 250 (5 x 50).
Challenge: #5, goals.

Goal number one, Thelma thinks, is to get over Cassie. Unlike her, Cassie has crossed over and until she does, they aren't going to see each other again. Her feelings for Cassie overwhelm everything else. She needs to move on, she knows that, even if she doesn't really want to.

Goal number two, Thelma thinks, is to stop Malachi before he unleashes the forces of everything evil on mankind. That's kind of a priority goal, since the destruction of mankind would put a serious crimp in any other plans. She doesn't want to take on Azazeal but it seems inevitable.

Goal number three, Thelma thinks, is to survive stopping Malachi unleashing the forces of everything evil on mankind. That's mostly tied in with goal number two. She wants to stick around for a while; joining Cassie is tempting but there's something, specifically Ella and her unresolved feelings, keeping her here.

Goal number four, Thelma thinks, is to tell Ella how she feels, to find out if there's anything behind the flirty banter between them. Ella always seems jealous whenever Thelma rambles on about Cassie, and it's given Thelma hope that she isn't imagining things, that Ella feels something for her.

Goal number five, Thelma thinks, is one she's leaving blank. If Ella doesn't feel the same about her, she'll try to find a way to die properly, to be with Cassie. If Ella does, then her goal will probably be different, though what exactly it'll be she has no idea.

Title: Passing The Time.
Fandom: Hex.
Pairing: Thelma/Ella.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #6, mirror.

Ella's brushing her hair when Thelma wanders into her room, closing the door behind her. She meets Thelma's eyes in the mirror, her expression quietly amused. Thelma watches mirror-Ella raise an eyebrow and ask, "Have you ever heard of knocking?"

"Didn't know I needed to," Thelma shrugs, still watching as Ella sets the brush down on the table and reaches for her make-up case.

It took a while before she could look at a mirror without hoping for a message from Cassie; finally admitting to herself that she wasn't going to get another, that the first message had been the only one, and a gift under the circumstances.

It's easier these days, she can look and see only reflections, instead of letters dancing in front of her eyes. She turns away from the mirror, shaking thoughts of Cassie out of her head, and sits down on the bed.

"I'm bored," she complains, "I have nothing to do. I think I'll follow you to your classes again, that should be good, we can make fun of Roxanne."

"You are not coming with me," Ella says immediately. "Last time you made me laugh and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I don't need your help with that, Thelma."

"Oh c'mon, Ella, please," Thelma whines, pouting. "I promise, I won't make you laugh. I'll sit quietly, laughing to myself on the inside."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you're suspicious by nature?" Thelma suggests, laughing when Ella only glares in response.

Title: Remembering The Good Things.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: Cassie/DD.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #7, lessons.

DD likes to study, she always has. At Harvard she was a top student, her natural intellect and thirst for knowledge separating her from her fellows. It was better at university than it was at high school, where she was teased mercilessly for being a geek, but there still seemed to be a divide between them. She was close to her family, so it wasn't as though she was alone with no one to talk to; she had her father and her brother, even her mother on occasion.

Her father always understood her the best, always knowing what she needed even when she herself wasn't sure. Up until she met Shane and Cassie, there was no one she was closer to than her father, and it still pains her to keep her new life a secret from him; it's bad enough that he thinks she's wasting her intellect as a party planner. He taught her all the important lessons in life and she wouldn't be who she is today without him.

"What're you thinking about?" Cassie asks, her voice cutting into DD's thoughts.

"Just thinking about my dad."

"Good things I hope," Cassie says lightly, sitting down next to her on the couch.

"Yeah," DD smiles, because nearly all her memories of her father are good, despite the pain they bring. She likes to sit quietly and remember him, and all the things she's learnt from him over the years. She thinks she'll call him later tonight. "Always good things."

challenge6, challenge2, challenge40, challenge7, challenge5, challenge1, challenge4

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