Harry Potter (Bellatrix/Hermione) - Test

Nov 21, 2010 11:04

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Bellatrix/Hermione

Rating: I suppose M?

Spoilers: Deathly Hallows (although not much in the way of spoilers)
Word Count: 150
Prompt: #259 - Test
A/N: Because I miss writing completely illogical pairings ; )

Bellatrix had her up against the wall, ravenous for blood.  Hermione could see eyes through the tangled mass of hair and although the sensible part of her was petrified, she didn’t want to die, another part felt breath against her face, legs pressed against her own and an unfamiliar desire to be splayed forth and taken apart with a rough care she knew, logically, Bellatrix would never have.

Bellatrix pulled her forward, an angry embrace, slamming her down on the floor, knees on either side of her hips.  The reverberations shouted through her spine, Bellatrix’s weight resting on her centre and Hermione fought against her own thoughts, forcing herself to think of this as a test to determine another form of her unworthiness.

She was good at tests.

She denied Bellarix and the pain that came after pushed aside her confusion with a clarity of relief only pain can bring. 

author: ana_khouri, fandom: harry potter, challenge259

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