Title: The Voids
Author: Missmai_chan
Fandom: The L-Word
Pairing: Shane/Alice
Rating: PG13
Word count: about 170
A/N: I am a recent fan to this fandom - so be nice to me. Sorry it's a tad longer than 100!
The curls of the cigarette left spaces in their slow unfurling mist. Shane peered into the little holes and then glided a hand through them, watching as the white tangled in her knuckles.
A bent back, cool skin. She watched Alice sleep and like an elegant crane, she lifted herself from the bed. Her legs were boyish, lithe, and she knew it was this twiggy grace that Alice had watched. Across the cafe, across the heads of their friends, across coffee and flicked-open packets of Marlboro that masked her hunter's eyes.
Soon she would wake and there would be awkward excuses. Shane knew the loopholes. Like learning long division in school, she was always aware of remainders. You could never have a number perfect every time, and she would rather shut the book on love than read the equation to the end.
Friend or not, Alice was another string in that chain of imperfect solutions and ultimately she would have to be left. To the side, just slightly, and never revisited.