In Ways Ada Lovelace Never Dreamed

Aug 10, 2010 13:13

Author: kitausu 
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Uhura/Gaila
Prompt: Engineering
Wordcount: 186
Rating: NC-17

“Fuck, fuck, Nyota. Oh my gods, right there, fuck, do that again. Oh.” Gaila can feel Nyota’s smirk against her inner thigh, and it’s just not fair, what she’s doing with her fingers, and gods she’s gorgeous like this, head bent low and concentrating, long hair brushing teasingly against Gaila’s hipbones.

And then Nyota adds a third finger, sliding in like it’s nothing, and it’s like she’s hit something in Gaila because this fucking lightbulb goes off in her brain and she’s sitting up straight and coming, hard, shuddering around Nyota’s fingers, while her brain whirrs with the most beautiful engineering code she’s ever seen.

When she comes down from her orgasm, the first thing Gaila says is, “Where the hell is my datapad?”

“Oh my god,” Nyota gasps. “That’s your reaction?”

Gaila gives her a sheepish grin, “Amazing, baby, best ever, it’s just I had this idea-Wait.”

It’s insane, two epiphanies in the space of a minute, but Gaila isn’t going to question it. Instead, she pushes Nyota back against the bed, gentle, and traces her equations into Nyota’s skin with fingers and tongue.

author: kitausu, drabble cycle: academia, fandom: star trek aos

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