Challenge #247 is now officially over. Many thanks to our participants for this challenge,
lyssie★, and
mi_socali★! In addition to the weekly challenge we've also had a lot of drabbles for the Academia cycle and Drabble Tag 3, which is very exciting.
This week's challenge is:
Also, our
Academia Drabble Cycle is up and running! And we now have a table code for it, too, thanks to the amazing
calebar77. So please look into that if you think you would be interested.
Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Wednesday (see the
userinfo for complete rules). Also, for this challenge please remember to tag your entries 'challenge248' as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover'. Thank you!