Troi/Pulaski - Tarot Card Challenge - #16 - #21

May 18, 2010 13:04

Title: A Sudden Reversal
Prompt: #16 The Tower
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 93

Deanna knew there was something wrong before Kate had finished reading the orders.
'You're leaving, aren't you?' she asked.
Kate nodded. 'We always knew there was a chance Dr Crusher's stint at Starfleet Medical would only be temporary. And it's not as if I don't have my pick of other assignments.'
'It's all right to be sad about it, Kate.'
'Well, I was just getting settled in! And it's the Enterprise, for God's sake! Where do you go from here?'
Deanna smiled warmly. 'You're Kate Pulaski. You go wherever you damn well like.'

Title: Wishes
Prompt: #17 The Star
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 121

'Making a wish?' Deanna asked, coming to stand by Kate as she looked at the stars from the wide windows in Ten Forward.
Kate laughed. 'I don't think either of us is really that type,' she said. 'I just like to look.'
She didn't say, I wish I could stay. She didn't say, I wish you would come with me. She didn't mention that for a brief, wild moment she'd considered suggesting they get married so that Starfleet Command would have to prioritise their being assigned together. They were neither of them prepared to make that kind of commitment, that kind of compromise.
So they just held hands as they looked at the stars, and neither of them wished for anything.

Title: Mystery
Prompt: #18 The Moon
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 121

Deanna is mysterious to the crew, she knows. How could she not be? With her dark eyes, her strange power that seems almost magical, and the cool professional detachment she tries to keep, it’s no wonder that people see her as separate, different. It’s a little lonely, sometimes.

Not since Kate came. She never had a chance to be mysterious to Kate. It’s difficult to appear cool and detached while you are still in your nightdress and undergoing a gynaecological exam. It’s impossible to appear cool and detached when, as you’re reeling from the unexpected news, the woman doing the examining announces that what you need is a stiff drink (synthehol, of course) and takes you to Ten Forward where, in spite of yourself, you tell her all of your worries.

Deanna isn’t sure she wants to go back to being a mystery.

Title: Waiting for Morning
Prompt: #19 The Sun
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 100

Half the crew came to the goodbye party. It was 3am by the time Kate shooed out the last stragglers, Data half-carrying a drunk Worf, and Riker just about managing under his own steam.
‘It’s not just me who’ll miss you,’ Deanna said, lightly, as they began to put the cups and plates back into the replicator.
‘It was nice that everyone came,’ said Kate, ‘but I’m glad they’ve gone now. Let’s do that later,’ she said, indicating the mess and taking Deanna’s hand to lead her towards the bed. They didn’t sleep, and they saw the morning in together.

Title: Making a Difference
Prompt: #20 Judgment
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 94

'I got my new assignment, by the way,' Kate said, that last morning. 'After I debrief on Earth, I'll be heading a triage deck on a new relief ship - we'll travel wherever the need is greatest.'
'Oh, Kate, that's wonderful,' said Deanna.
Kate nodded. 'Amazing as it's been on the Enterprise, it's so rare that anyone here really needs my help. This way I can make a difference.'
Deanna put her arms around her. 'You made a difference here,' she said.
Only the two of them would ever know how much she meant it.

Title: Fulfilment
Prompt: #21 The World
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s)/pairing(s): Deanna Troi/Kate Pulaski
Rating: G
Word count: 100

Deanna went down on the shuttle with Kate.
'I know you don't like goodbyes,' she'd said. 'But I do. At least, I like them better than nothing at all.'
Kate understood.
'It was a good year, wasn't it?' Kate asked, as they stood in the sunny grounds of Starfleet Headquarters. 'On the whole?'
'I can't think of many better,' Deanna said. It was true in spite of everything.
They kissed, briefly, and then Kate was gone. Deanna watched her as she walked away.
It was sad, of course. But it was all right. Even the hardest endings were beginnings too.

drabble cycle: the tarot, fandom: star trek: tng, author: cosmic_llin

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