Fall - Heroes/The L-word

Mar 12, 2010 13:54

Title: I Will Not Fall
Prompt: Challenge # 229: Fall
Fandom: Heroes/The L-word
Characters/Pairing: Angela Petrelli/Jenny Schecter
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Summary: Jenny is interviewing Angela for a book… but is that all she wants?
Notes: My first post in this community…

“Your project is quite unusual”, Angela said to Jenny as they decided to take a break in the interview.

Jennifer Schecter’s interest in Angela was explained by Nathan’s campaign; she was writing a book about the mothers of influential men.

“Thanks for doing this, Mrs. Petrelli”, the girl smiled. “I believe that the true source of strength and creativity is female… and I could tell even before I met you that you have an admirable amount of all that within you.”

“Judging only by some pictures on the internet? Isn’t that a bit shallow?”

“Oh no, even family photos for a political campaign can tell a lot. I just had to see you.”

This girl’s quite a flirt, Angela thought. And quite sure of herself - a strange mixture of naivety and something provocative. But she’s mistaken if she thinks I’m overwhelmed by those long eyelashes and flashing smiles.

“I’ve looked you up too. Some of her parts… not bad at all.”

“You liked my book?” Jenny said, almost gasping and her eyes went wider, “oh, I’m so glad.”

Angela smirked. Jenny herself was an open book, looking like a schoolgirl with a teacher crush, longing for attention, hoping for Angela to fall and find her irresistible.

No, Angela thought, I won’t touch her; I won’t interrupt her interview by falling, by saying that I want her.

“See you tomorrow, Ms. Schecter.”

As Angela left, she wondered just how long it would take before the girl begged her for a kiss.

fandom: the l word, fandom: heroes, crossover, challenge229

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