Challenge 216 - History. 'A Certain Quaintness'

Dec 07, 2009 00:03

Title: A Certain Quaintness
Prompt: challenge 216 - history
Fandom: Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and Poirot series.
Pairing: Miss Marple/Miss Lemon
Rating: PG, if that
Word count: 250
A/N: I've been trying to write something with Marple and Lemon since I started watching the McEwan Marples. I've finally managed something.
Summary: Jane meets Felicity on the train, and both discover something in the other that appeals.

Jane meets Felicity on the train. There's a brisk air about her, a competence that appeals. Chatting about the weather leads to many topics until the station is called. It's not really a surprise when they both step onto the platform. Jane sees her neighbor, the dear vicar, waiting for her; Felicity waves to a diminutive man and a tall ex-serviceman. They part, promising to write.

Murder is in the air a day later, and they come in contact again, this time with the diminutive man attempting to lead the investigation while Jane simply sits back and observes. Little escapes her notice, and she finds herself relying on Felicity for a little stealthy detective work.

Sneaking down hallways and up back staircases is possibly for people much younger, but neither woman complains to the other as the adrenaline surges at the least little sound.

Jane is pleased at Felicity's ability to dissemble when they're caught, and finds herself feeling almost girlish in response to the wink the other woman bestows upon her at the successful conclusion of their caper.

The murderer is caught, with much drama and declarations. Jane hopes the silly Belgian is pleased with the disruption to village life he's caused, but she also wistfully hopes that his Miss Lemon will linger for a spell. Perhaps a vacation in the country-side would do her good.


Nearly a month later, Felicity turns up at her gate in St. Mary Meade, an impish look in her eyes.

fandom: miss marple, author: lyssie, challenge216

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