challenge #37 ~ play

Oct 03, 2005 12:07

challenge #36 is now closed. thanks to the_girl_20 ★, fickitten (x7 DEAR LORD!) ★ ★^6, minerva_fan, giantessmess ★, sparklebunny, faithinthepoor ★, aeonian, bluefall ★, and michellek ★ for their entries!

remember, feedback is a drabbler's best friend!

this week's challenge (suggested by giantessmess) is: play

100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. due by midnight on sunday in your time zone. (see the userinfo for complete rules)

please tag your entries "challenge37"

comment with questions or suggestions for future challenges (shameless self-indulgence is encouraged)

challenge37, challenges

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