Challenge #210 ~ Remainder

Oct 15, 2009 22:51

Challenge 209 is now officially over. Many thanks to our participants this week, bast2 ★, crystaldrake ★, darklioness82 ★, rosehiptea ★, and srslypau ★!

As usual, this tenth challenge week is our remainder week! You can write for any previous challenge prompt, but there's an emphasis on our most recent challenges, which are:

#201 - Smile
#202 - Time
#203 - Fear
#204 - Fortune
#205 - Disaster
#206 - Occult
#207 - Imagine
#208 - Vacation
#209 - Perspective

Also sign-ups for the Tarot drabble cycle are still going on, so check that out if you're interested. There's still plenty of time.

Standard comm rules apply - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Wednesday (see the userinfo for complete rules). Also, for this challenge please remember to tag your entries 'challenge210' in addition to the original number of the challenge your are doing, as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover'. Thank you!

challenges, challenge210

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