Title: The journey (The Fool)
modestroadPrompt: The Fool for
femslash100Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Barbara/Dinah
Rating: PG 13
Word count: 232
A/N: Un'betad.
Summary: The first time they kiss it’s a friendly kiss; a ‘thank you’ kiss and none of the women think much of it after.
The first time they kiss it’s a friendly kiss; a ‘thank you’ kiss and none of the women think much of it after. The second time they kiss, Barbara is brooding and Dinah just wants to cheer her up. The third time they kiss, they are watching a movie and it feels so natural when their lips touch. The fourth time they kiss Barbara doesn’t speak to her for days and when she does her voice sends chills to Dinah’s body.
For a while Barbara sends Dinah all over the world; Dinah has to remind herself that Barbara is a bat and probably happiness scares her shitless.
The fifth time they kiss Dinah is back and tired of waiting. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it; she kisses Barbara hard then soft, then hard again, and then waits for the burst to come.
It never comes.
Suddenly she understands. “You’re not gonna lose me,” she says but Barbara is still staring at her with disbelief in her eyes. “Babs, you’re thinking it way too much. Every journey has it destination, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.”
“With other words I should sit back and enjoy the ride?” Barbara asks and a faint smile forms in her lips.
“Yeah,” Dinah licks her lips. “You’re going to sit back and I’ll make sure you enjoy the ride.”