Challenge 196: music - 28 Days Later (Selena/Hannah)

Jun 26, 2009 14:15

Title - Cheesy Christmas Music
Author - Bat
Fandom - 28 Days Later
Pairing - Selena/Hannah
Prompt(s) - #196 - music
Rating - PG
Word count - 200
Summary - Selena thinks back to the night she first met Hannah and everything's that followed. (._. I can't remember if there was music playing or not in Hannah and Frank's apartment. If there was, then pretend there wasn't any. XD )

Her thoughts returned to the night she had first met Hannah and Frank in their apartment. Selena had expected cheesy Christmas music to greet herself and Jim once they had gotten into the apartment. Now as she thought back to everything that transpired since that night until now, she wished there had been some. Perhaps it would have made light of everything that happened since then. Maybe Hannah would have better memories of her father if there had been some.

Her dark fingers combed through the slumbering girl's hair before she placed a soft kiss on a freckled cheek. She wished there were some music here in the small cottage the trio had sought refugee in. It was too dark and quiet here. Hannah stirred and looked up at her sleepily.

"What is it, Selena?"

"Nothing. Go back to sleep."

"I hate when you won't tell me things." Hannah pouted.

"I was thinking of music, that's all." Selena smiled.

"Was that so hard to say?" She smiled.

Hannah propped herself up enough to place a kiss on Selena's lips and nuzzled against her leg before falling back to sleep. The soft snores that followed lured Selena to her own sleep.

challenge196, fandom: 28 days later, author: hamimifk

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