Challenge #193 - Yesterday // SVU

Jun 05, 2009 01:21

Title: The Difference Between Yesterday And Today
Author: lowbatterie , archived at
Prompt: Challenge #193 - yesterday
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG-13/R, for language/implied sex
Word Count: 100

Yesterday, she was working a case with her squad.

Yesterday, she went to court trying to get justice for the people who actually deserved it.

Yesterday, she had a job.

Yesterday, she lost almost everything that was most important to her, including respect from her colleagues and betters.

But yesterday she hadn’t been fucking Olivia Benson, either.

Today, she was currently being undressed by fingers belonging to Detective Benson. Her legs were parting of their own volition as hips ground down into hers and she was whimpering under scorching kisses she’d only dreamt of before.

Yesterday could go to hell.

challenge193, fandom: law & order: svu, author: lowbatterie

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