Challenge 191, Chain

May 20, 2009 22:12

Title: Chained by love
Author: dearkiki
Prompt: Challenge 191 - chain
Fandom: Rome
Pairing: Octavia/Servilia
Rating: G
Word count: 111
A/N: This is my first f/f drabble and also the first try in the new fandom. So, I would really appreciate your comments.

Octavia was not sure what made her feel this way in Servilia's presence. She stared into her eyes, hypnotized by their strength and not able to hide her own desire anymore. Octavia was relieved, when she saw the same passion in the face of the other woman. Her secret dreams were becoming true. There was no pretense between them, no lies. That was something she missed at home. Perhaps, that's why being there felt so comfortable. Octavia knew, that she should leave, before this got too far, but she was trapped by Servilia's presence, chained by her love. Like this Servilia was the only person who truly cared about her.

challenge191, fandom: rome, author: dearkiki

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