Challenge 184: stone - Twilight (Alice/Bella)

Apr 01, 2009 11:19

Title: Heart of Stone
Author: hamimifk (aka Bat)
Prompt: #184 - stone
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Alice/Bella
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Alice thinks about how different her heart felt once Bella entered her life.

She had thought, for far too long, that her heart was made of stone. It didn't beat like it once did and somehow, it had turned to stone when she had been changed. Then, she felt it twitch, ever so slightly. That was the moment she first saw Bella. Without hesitation, she knew that she loved this stranger, even without knowing her. Later on, when she had carefully conquered Bella's heart from her brother, she knew... Alice knew she had become alive again. When Bella touched her, she felt her own heart throb. Her heart of stone was no more.

challenge184, author: hamimifk, fandom: twilight

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