
Feb 25, 2009 14:01

Title: Revelations
Author: sparklebunny
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Prompt: #180 - Remainder, #8 - Regret
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Guiding Light
Spoilers: references to today's (24/02/09) episode.
Wordcount: 142


What had she done? Oh God. She couldn't take it back, she couldn't rewind the day as much as she wanted to. Natalia questioned the fact that she desperately wanted to. This was supposed to be right. She was dating the man after all. All Natalia could think about whilst lying in Frank's arms was Olivia. Feelings of betrayl washed over her. Why? Olivia and Natalia weren't in a relationship, they were friends. Friends. Nothing more. Natalia didn't understand these feelings, everything was confusing. Her world had suddenly flipped. Down was up, up was down.

When Olivia walked into the room at the farmhouse Natalia could barely stand to look at her, she felt awkward and guilty, so she did what she always did, she ran, she made up an excuse and ran. Natalia just wished she could run from these feelings.

challenge8, fandom: guiding light, challenge180, author: sparklebunny

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