Title: Oneirophobia
Author: Dorey
Prompt: Challenge #168, 'Guardian'
Fandom: Nightworld
Pairing: Maya/Hannah
Rating: PG
Word count: 243
A/N: I appear to be on a Maya/Hannah kick lately, and all my Maya/Hannah stuff seems to want to be long… Huh.
She wakes in the night, sweating and scared, limbs curled up in the sheets and tears still staining her cheeks as the aftershocks of another nightmare pass over her.
But this time there is a understanding hand on her brow, a soft kiss on her hair and a understanding whisper in her ear (”Don’t worry, get some rest”) and with another kiss she drifts off into nothingness, still cradled in her guardians arms which seem so very skilled at keeping the dark dreams away.
Maya curls her body tighter around Hannah and frowns to herself even as her fingers calmingly stroke through the blonde hair spilling into her lap. Hannah’s dreams are getting worse, manifesting into the same kind of dreams that drove her to near madness, the kind of dreams that drove her to kill her sister.
She wishes Hellewise was here now, Hellewise is a much better guardian then Maya could ever be… And if Hellewise was here she wouldn’t have to try and think about finding witches who wouldn’t find some form of help for Hannah and then immediately sell them to Thierry or Hunter.
She could try the current crone, although she does suspect that anybody who bears the name Harman would be quicker to stake her then Hunter or even Thierry.
It’s a risk she may have to take, even if it does mean her death… At least Hannah will be alright.
…She’s starting to sound like her sister.