I've got my technology under control again, so it's time to officially close
challenge #160. Many thanks to those of you that participated in the remainder challenge, including
were_lemur★x3, and
wicked_wolfie ★x4! And in addition to our huge turnout for the remainder challenge, we also had a whole lot of entries for drabbletag and periodic table, so way to be awesome you guys (although a bigger turnout makes it more likely I missed something or miscounted entries for the weekly challenge, so give me a heads up if I missed you).
The challenge for this week is:
And don't forget you can all still participate in
Drabbletag v3.0 and the
Periodic Table challenge. Both posts have just been updated, and there's still plenty of time left for both of them.
Standard comm rules apply - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Monday (see the
userinfo for complete rules). Also, for this challenge please remember to tag your entries 'challenge161' in addition to the tag for the original challenge, as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover'. Thank you!