RHPS: The Sound of Rain, Magenta/Janet.

Aug 15, 2008 12:06

Title: The Sound of Rain
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pairing/Characters: implied Magenta/Janet, implied Janet/Brad
Rating: FR13/PG13
Disclaimer: Rocky Horror Picture Show belongs to Richard O’Brien & Twentieth Century Fox.
Prompts: Written for femslash100’s challenge 159 of voice.
Notes: This follows my earlier two drabbles: Maybe the Rain Really is To Blame - Take Two & Weekly Sessions
Summary: It’s always the rain that makes her remember.
Word Count: 209

It’s always the rain that makes her remember, even now ten years after the fact and that fateful night when Brad got them lost in the middle of nowhere. Janet pulls herself out of Brad’s arms and walks to the window. She pulls aside the curtain and stares out into the stormy night lost in her memories.

The sound of Magenta’s voice is the strongest in her memory and Janet finds herself memorizing the few stolen moments that they shared. Janet sighs in frustration, she knows that there’s no point in feeling this way. She’s resigned herself to her life with Brad but she misses the excitement that she felt that night in Magenta’s arms.

She once thought of leaving Brad, finding her way to Los Angeles and maybe finding someone who could fill the hole that Magenta left in heart. Janet had even packed her bag and was ready to leave when she realized that she wouldn’t. No one would ever fill the emptiness in her that Magenta had left behind but Magenta herself. So she stayed and pretended that everything was okay and that that night had never happened.

It’s just sometimes when it rains; she can still hear Magenta’s voice underneath the sound of the rain.


challenge159, fandom: rocky horror picture show, author: aaronlisa

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