~ Drabble Cycle Round 3 ~ Periodic Table

Aug 12, 2008 15:47

Okay, guys! Sorry this took a lot longer than I thought it would to get up. But, in the great tradition of Alphabet Soup and Around the Clock, we're now going to start up the Periodic Table drabble cycle challenge ( Read more... )

drabble cycle: periodic table, admin, drabble cycle

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Comments 83

doreyg August 12 2008, 21:01:23 UTC
Can I please claim The Demonata series?


sheepfairy August 12 2008, 21:06:27 UTC
All yours!


doreyg August 12 2008, 21:19:08 UTC
Thank you!


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sheepfairy August 12 2008, 21:35:01 UTC
Awesome! I'll have you added to the list in a second.


syrenslure August 13 2008, 00:46:58 UTC
I want to claim Samantha Carter from SG-1/SGA. Can my fics include crossovers, too? Also, what happens if we go over 250 words?


sheepfairy August 13 2008, 22:19:58 UTC
All yours, and crossovers are totally fine. And if you go over 250, um, nothing really happens? The word limit is basically because some people's definition of drabble is closer to 'anything that doesn't require several chapters' as opposed to 100 words. I mean, if people are posting 1000 fics I'd probably delete it for being nowhere in the realm of a drabble, but if you're just a few words over, nothing's really going to happen. (Although sequential drabbles that make up a whole story are okay, and can go on as long as you want).


slybrunette August 13 2008, 02:00:21 UTC
You said we can claim fandoms, any chance I could get Grey's Anatomy?

If that doesn't work I'll go for character and take Meredith Grey from the same show.

Thanks in advance!


sheepfairy August 13 2008, 22:20:19 UTC
Grey's Anatomy works! Have fun!


lunaofslytherin August 13 2008, 02:12:04 UTC
Um, could I claim G(a)linda/Elphie from Wicked?

I have other ideas, but that's my fave.


sheepfairy August 13 2008, 22:20:51 UTC
Galinda/Elphaba works fine, I've got you down on the masterlist for it.


lunaofslytherin August 14 2008, 01:43:51 UTC
awesome! I was just worried it would be too broad a catagory, but, well, awesome!


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