Around the Clock: 16:00-23:00 (SGA/Farscape)

Nov 11, 2007 14:00

Prompt: Around the Clock #17: evolution
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: (established) Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 160
Note: There's... implied possible het, I guess, in this part.

She knows about Aeryn and John’s occasional moments of mutual attraction, so she’s not very surprised when John sits down next to her one day and asks, calm, like he’s trying to sound casual. Elizabeth’s not worried about her bond with Aeryn; she’s aware of what it can take and what it can’t. “John, if you and Aeryn want to sleep together, you can,” she says. And then adds, surprising herself, “But I get to watch.”

John blinks at her. “You weren’t paying attention to what I was asking, were you? I want to sleep with you. Well, and Aeryn, too.” He gestures expansively. “A whole confusing tangle of limbs.”

Elizabeth smiles and thinks to herself that three is only on the edge of being a tangle, and not that confusing at all. John gets up to go, saying he’ll leave her alone.



“I’ll get back to you. On that question.”

He nods. “Right,” he says, and leaves.

Prompt: Around the Clock #18: finite
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: R
Word count: 100

“Sometimes I think he enjoys his Earth references too much,” Aeryn says, kissing down Elizabeth’s neck and unbuttoning her shirt at the same time.

“Can we not talk about John right now?” Elizabeth pants, rocking against Aeryn’s thigh between her thighs. She shrugs her shoulders and the shirt slips down, only to get caught by still-buttoned cuffs at her wrists. Aeryn grabs, tugs, and buttons bounce over the floor. “My shirt,” Elizabeth says, half-mournfully, and Aeryn laughs as she captures Elizabeth’s nipple in her mouth. Elizabeth moans, thrusts her hands into Aeryn’s hair, and pulls her down onto the bed.

Prompt: Around the Clock #19: afterlife
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 105

“Sometimes I wonder if they’re out there, waiting for me,” she whispers to Aeryn in the cool of their gauzy tent. “If when I die, I’ll see them all again.”

“Hush,” Aeryn whispers back. “You don’t know for certain who has passed into the beyond. And you don’t know that we’ll never find one of your Stargates. After all, we keep finding John’s wormholes.”

“They never turn out quite right, do they?” Elizabeth sighs. She wipes at her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Aeryn shakes her head. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she says, and opens her arms. Elizabeth slides closer, melting against Aeryn’s warmth.

Prompt: Around the Clock #20: outdated
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 175

“This is all old tech,” Aeryn says, looking doubtfully at the pile of weapons and machine parts in front of them.

“Honey, according to you, I’m old tech,” John tells her. Elizabeth covers her mouth to hide her smile. “Hurry up, let’s get a move on.”

They load up, and between the three of them, everything gets on board. Rygel gives the heap the same doubtful look that Aeryn had. “Save it, Sparky,” John warns him.

Elizabeth bends down and picks up a small burnished piece of metal, the surface worn smooth. There’s a history to it, she’s sure, but out here there’s no time to find out. It’s one of the things she misses the most - hours spent with a dusty stack of books full of the half-forgotten past, or a tablet of scrolling Ancient text revealing something that’s even more distant.

Aeryn kneels next to her, puts a hand on her knee. “Did you find something worth what we paid for all this?”

“Probably not,” Elizabeth chuckles, and sets the scrap back down.

Prompt: Around the Clock #21: twilight
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 120

Both suns have dropped below the horizon, and the fog has settled in again as Aeryn guides the pod up off the ground and out into space. As the stars rush to meet them, Elizabeth says, “John spoke to me while I was waiting for you to come back with those spare parts on Nedolla.”

“I know,” Aeryn says softly. “He as much as told me he was going to.”

“Do you have an answer for him? Because I don’t.”

Aeryn meets her eyes, her face serene. “Only you can answer his question, Elizabeth,” she replies.

“I love you,” Elizabeth says, hating the little bit of helplessness in her voice.

Aeryn smiles at her, full and shining. “And I you.”

Prompt: Around the Clock #22: mourned
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 115

“There was a girl out here he was in love with, a Peacekeeper tech,” Aeryn says softly, tracing patterns over Elizabeth’s bare shoulder. “But she died and John…” Her hands still for a moment, resting. “He was different for a while.”

Elizabeth turns and slides her arms around Aeryn’s waist, lays her head on Aeryn’s thighs. “Sudden death will do that to a person,” she says, because she doesn’t know what else to say, and Aeryn leans over to bury her face in Elizabeth’s hair.

She sits up straight again a moment later in an unexpected motion. “Did you leave someone behind?” she asks, hesitation and concern shading her voice.

Elizabeth reaches for her. “No.”

Prompt: Around the Clock #23: heartbeat
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 145

Elizabeth lets her mind go, focusing on each breath, glad for Aeryn’s warm hands on her thighs, grounding her. “I think I’m starting to miss them less,” she murmurs, but even as she says it, she can picture John and Rodney and Teyla as they’d been the last time she’d seen them, right before she’d walked through the Stargate - aiming for some trade discussions and touching down up in another time and place - and her eyes fill with tears.

“All things fade, but only if you don’t hold on to them tightly,” Aeryn replies quietly, her breath light on Elizabeth’s neck. “It’s up to you how much you want to let go of.”

She’s not ready yet to let it all move into the past. She grips Aeryn’s hands, steadying herself. “I’m still working on it,” she says, and that’s all she can do.

Prompt: Around the Clock #24: endless
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 100

In the beginning, there was space. And Elizabeth was sure that in the end, the never-ending stretch of time would be there still. But for now, she exists on a living ship, surrounded by friends and lovers, each day flowing into the next, taking each arn a microt at a time, giving thanks for every breath she draws. This is her history now.

The stars still gleam, still amaze her just as they always have. Once, a long time ago, she’d thought she would never go into space. That her feet would always touch the ground.

Little did she know.

( Completed masterlist.)

crossover, drabble cycle: aroundtheclock, fandom: farscape, author: amitee, fandom: stargate atlantis

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