Around the Clock: 13:00-15:00 (SGA/Farscape)

Oct 23, 2007 10:12

Prompt: Around the Clock #14: instantaneous
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 100

There are people firing, off in the distance for now, but coming closer. Aeryn’s hand closes tight around her wrist as they run for the pod, towards escape. Elizabeth is still not used to going along on missions, but with only six of them she can’t always be the one to stay behind.

They stumble in rather ungracefully and Crichton lifts off before the hatch is even closed completely. The suddenness of it knocks Elizabeth hard into her seat. “Is that considered a close call?” she asks.

“Nope,” Crichton replies, and Aeryn grins. Elizabeth holds her hand a little tighter.

Prompt: Around the Clock #15: season
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 120

There were leaves falling from the trees and the air smelled just like Elizabeth remembered it, from a childhood that felt so long ago. Except this wasn’t Earth, those weren’t maple trees, and there was only one other person in this whole corner of the universe who knew what Halloween was.

Ahead of her, Zhaan and Aeryn were standing at a vendor’s table, haggling over the price of food cubes while Rygel hovered indifferently. Elizabeth paused for a moment, watching them, still wondering how she’d ended up here. Then Aeryn looked up at her and there were golden leaves in her hair, and Elizabeth would have dragged her back to their tent if it wasn’t only two in the afternoon.

Prompt: Around the Clock #16: unpredictable
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: G
Word count: 165

“You know, I almost like not knowing where we’re going from day to day,” Crichton announces. Elizabeth and Aeryn both stare at him.

“No, you don’t,” Aeryn informs him. “In fact, you almost hate it.”

“You complain constantly,” Elizabeth adds, managing to keep a straight face.

Crichton shrugs. “It’s always something different.”

“You mean someone different is always shooting at us,” Elizabeth corrects.

He makes an expansive gesture. “A whole ship just for the six of us, two good-looking women who have stopped being afraid to kiss where I might see them, a guy twice my size who’s always got my back during said shooting… what’s wrong with all that?”

“Possibility of death?” Aeryn asks, but even she can’t stop the corner of her mouth from twitching into a smile. “Go bother someone else, John, before possibility of death applies to all those things you listed, instead of just some of them.”

Grumbling, Crichton leaves, and Elizabeth buries her face in Aeryn’s neck and laughs.

(I must remember to finish before the end of the year!)

crossover, drabble cycle: aroundtheclock, fandom: farscape, author: amitee, fandom: stargate atlantis

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