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Aug 22, 2007 21:57

Title: Just How You Looked In The Light
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Words: 250
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG, I think.

She never thought she would see Casey on a beach. Then again, she never thought she would’ve had the pleasure of kissing the redhead in the first place, let alone get time off to spend a weekend with her in South Carolina, so apparently the Detective didn’t think of a lot of things. She smiled as she watched the younger woman saunter ahead of her, wondering how best to rip the thin chemise of a sarong off of those slim, pale hips when Casey stopped, her feet sinking into the sand.

Liv grinned, running the last few steps to catch up and gripping her lover’s waist tightly, nails curling along the hem to Casey’s cover and skimpy bikini bottoms, lips nuzzling along one ear delicately. “Something wrong, sweetheart?” she asked huskily, speculating on how hard their landing would be if she took them both down right now.

All Casey did was turn around, wrap her arms around the brunette with a smile and lean in slowly for a soft kiss. Liv’s eyes widened, the ADA’s motions leading up to the kiss burned into her memory.

Olivia saw the sun rising on the glittering ocean, and the sky’s hues were a rainbow of color, bursting with crimson and coral and orange light. The dawn’s first rays lit in Casey’s fiery hair and made her the most beautiful she’d ever been; but the dazzling smile on those pink lips and the happiness in those green eyes was what Liv would remember forever.


drabble cycle: aroundtheclock, fandom: law & order: svu, author: lowbatterie

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