Challenge #111: Zombie

Jun 16, 2007 07:21

Author: Bitterfig

Title: The One With the Bleeding Heart

Fandom: Runaways (Marvel comic)

Pairing: Nico (Sister Grimm)/Karolina (Lucy In the Sky)

Rating: PG

Word Count: 161

Challenge #111: Zombie

Bodies without minds,

I hear you’re the one with the bleeding heart

Blue and bittersweet

You tear my dreams apart.

Born to be Bad

The Runaways

The One With the Bleeding Heart

Back when she still had parents and went to school, Nico couldn’t stand girls like Karolina.  Model tall and thin with long blond hair and sky blue eyes, smiling, shopping and spouting whatever spiritual and political jargon was the vogue.  Nico called girls like that Hollywood Zombies.  They were “bodies without minds”, just like in the old Runaways song.  Nico, with her black nail polish and multi-pierced ears, her Catholic upbringing and her Asian heritage, was different.

Or so she thought.

It turned out Karolina was the one who was different.  A whole lot different than Nico had ever imagined.  Not just an alien, but a lesbian.  Maybe even someone Nico could have fallen in love with if she’d been braver, if she’d been able to imagine more.

It was too late now.

Karolina turned out to be so far out she was beyond Hollywood, beyond California, all the way in outer space and Nico was left behind to wonder. 

author: bitterfic, challenge111, fandom: runaways

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