challenge #103 - hate

Feb 23, 2007 00:56

Title: Know when it's over
Fandom: South of Nowhere
Pairing: Spencer/Ashley
Prompt: 103 - Hate
Rating: G
Word Count: 100


Eyes dart their way and dart away. Ears prick. A smirk and a head nod in their direction indicates a scene.

Everybody knows.

Spencer hates what they’ve become. She lets her eyes scan, watches the people that pass them by. Watches them watch her.

Everybody knows.

Sitting at a food court table at right-angles, stony faced and bitter, they avert their eyes, hiss out poison darts between clenched teeth.

They spit whispered caustic words about shopping lists. About parking spots.

Everybody knows, can see what they’ve become - the couple that argues publicly, that still thinks that they’re in love.


fandom: south of nowhere, author: little_lacuna, challenge103

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