draw a line in the sand (ugly betty, wilhelmina/christina) by sheepfairy

Feb 04, 2007 23:26

Title: Draw a Line in the Sand
Prompt: #100 remainder, #83 weakness
Fandom: Ugly Betty
Pairing: Wilhelmina/Christina
Rating: PG
Words: 500

Christina isn't an idealist, and she has never made the mistake of confusing sex with love. She likes sex for what it is - fun for everyone involved and a nice bit of stress relief if it's done right.

So now she's left wondering what she ever expected from Wilhelmina. Declarations of love and romance never even entered into her mind, but she has to admit that there was a small part of her that had hoped the woman would at least be nice.

"You know, there's nothing stopping you from going to the cops and telling them everything," says Wilhelmina, and there's that taunting superior tone that always drives Christina mad. "But you knew what you were doing was wrong when you did it, didn't you?"

Wilhelmina is a snake, always has been and always will be, and Christina should have known better than to think that she'd soften.

"You wanted to be a star, and you were willing to pay whatever price I asked. People don't ask for favors like that if they're doing something legal, Christina."

"I didn't think you'd be framing a man for murder," she says, and her hands tighten around the fabric lying on her desk. Ever since the police dragged of Mr. Meade, there's been a hollow feeling in her stomach that makes breathing difficult. Wilhelmina is only making it worse.

"Would you feel better if I'd been framing him for tax fraud? Don't be so naive, dear. You've lived in this world long enough to know better."

Christina grits her teeth and stays silent, because she knows there's nothing she can say at this point that Wilhelmina won't just turn against her. She's looking down, looking anywhere except at the other woman, but she can still hear the sharp clack of high heels on the hard floor as Wilhelmina comes closer.

"You know, I'll bet I can make you feel better about the whole thing," she says, reaching out to twist a strand of Christina's hair between her fingers. Christina can feel the familiar tingle starting, and she has to fight for a second to remember what's going on.

"No," she says, and her voice is loud and a little too frantic. The sound of it makes her wince, and she almost expects Wilhelmina to ignore her. God knows she's far too fragile to put up much resistance right now.

Instead, Wilhelmina just shrugs and the acts as if she'd never even made the offer. "Suit yourself. I'll see you tomorrow, and I'd like to have those Sarafpour dresses sized by noon."

Then she leaves without so much as a backwards glance, and Christina's left alone to wallow in her guilt. She stares at the walls until she's sure that Wilhelmina is long gone and then shrugs into her jacket to make her own way out of the building. Fuck the dresses, because she's not coming in tomorrow.

If she can find the courage, she's never going to work for Wilhelmina again.

author: sheepfairy, challenge100, challenge83, fandom: ugly betty

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