Title: A Party Surprise
or, A Party "Surprise" Usually Refers To The Secretness Of The Party, Not The Guest Of Honor
Prompt: Challenge #100, remainder (#3: Surprise)
Fandom: Rent
Pairing: Mimi/Maureen
Rating: PG
Word count: 114
Surprise birthday parties, no matter who throws them, are generally not a surprise. Mark and Roger decided they were going to do their damn best to make sure Mimi's came as a total shock to her. They made the plans on Joanne's cell phone (and Benny's house phone), brought everything to Collins' apartment instead of the Loft, and to top it off, the party was two week before her birthday.
And Mimi was absolutely shocked by the party.
But not as shocked as Mark and Roger were to find out that Maureen's helpful and overly-cheerful offer to "distract" Mimi all day meant they'd be attatched at the lips when they fumbled their way through the door.
Title: Secrets and Intuition
Prompt: Challenge #100, remainder (#4: Secrets)
Fandom: Wicked-verse (specifically Son of a Witch)
Pairing: Nor/Candle
Rating: G
Word count: 170
"Tell me more about home," Nor murmured sleepily into Candle's neck, her eyes closed.
"What tonight, Princess?"
"Anything." Liir. Tell me about Liir.
Candle, as intuitive as ever, began telling (once again) the story of Liir at the mauntery.
It was a good setup for them both.
Candle had someone to look after her health. She was still recovering from having and having to give up her baby in such a short amount of time. And Nor didn't have to stay on the streets all the time, scrounging to survive.
She didn't tell Candle who she was, however much she begged. Candle's intuition had landed on the nickname for her, scarily perfect; and Nor simply said nothing when she was asked about her life before. Saying nothing wasn't a lie.
They both had their secrets, though Nor had many and Candle had few, but it didn't really matter. Not when they both had someone to depend on, someone to care for and to take care of them, and another body to bring heat to a cold bed.
Title: You Can't Even Quit the Game
Prompt: Challenge #100, remainder (#5: Goals)
Fandom: Rent
Pairing: Alison Coffin/April
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Life is a game, and Ali is going to win, no matter what. Well. Almost.
Life, when you got down to the basic wires of it, was a game. Ali had known this since childhood -- she grew up learning the rules and standards of society, memorizing loopholes and exceptions. She knew the goal of any game was to win, and she was shameless in doing whatever she had to.
Knowing that, she never understood how she could fall in love with April. It didn't fall into any loophole she'd found; it distracted her, tied her up in knots, and made it harder to play.
But if losing felt like loving April, Ali was willing to lose.