Challenge #99 - Kindness

Jan 14, 2007 23:10

Author: Jonneke/
Prompt: Challenge #99 - Kindness
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione/Pansy
Rating: PG
Word count: 201
A/N: Pretty much the first femslash I've ever submitted... so any feedback is welcome!

Planning, observing, listening, reading, learning - it had been part of Hermione’s life since the day she’d been born. So that’s what she did with Pansy. Actually, all but planning, because that meant having a plan, and she hadn’t come up with one yet.

But sometimes plans form unexpectedly, and need immediate action. Hermione had proven to be good at these unplanned plans, because her brain ran ahead of her thoughts and came up with the things she needed to know.

This time however, Hermione was dumbfounded.

Pansy came out of the Great Hall.

The book fell.

And then there was nothing. Just her staring at Pansy, who laughed at a joke Malfoy had made, before bending over.

At that moment her brain started functioning again. She had to act soon, or this opportunity would be gone, and there might never be another one again. So she rushed forward - rushed 20 feet forward - and reached down to the book, just before Pansy did.

Straightening up, wiping some hair out of her face, she handed Pansy the book. “Here.”

Pansy looked puzzled for a moment; Malfoy grinned. But then Pansy took the book - their hands briefly touching.

“Thank you, Hermione.”

And she smiled.

fandom: harry potter, author: adorablymature, challenge99

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