Challenge 99 - Kindness

Jan 14, 2007 05:45

Hi all! :D I just found this wonderful community, so here we go with my first two submissions...

Title: Tempest
Author: tattooedsappho
Prompt: Challenge99 - kindness
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hooch/McGonagall
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Following your dreams isn’t always easy.

“Let it out.” Minerva said, pulling Xiomara into an embrace.

Xiomara clenched and unclenched her fists; resisting at first, she slowly accepted Minerva’s comfort as her head sagged onto the other girls’ shoulder.

“You would think it would be easier by now.” Xiomara whispered.

“I hope it never gets easy, that would mean you’ve stopped fighting and they’ve won.” Minerva stepped back and wiped a stray tear from Xiomara’s cheek.

“Some day they’ll see. I’ll be the best Beater those idiot boys have ever seen. Women shouldn’t play Beater my arse.” Xiomara smiled and kissed Minerva softly on her cheek.

Title: Comfort
Author: tattooedsappho
Prompt: Challenge99 - kindness
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hooch/McGonagall
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Even the strong need someone.

Minerva sat at her desk leaning on her elbows and pinching the bridge of her nose. Her usually tight bun was slightly unruly and her shoulders were drooped. Her frame shook as she heaved a silent sigh and wearily raised her head to answer the knock on her door.

“Come in.”

“Min…” Xiomara trailed off as she entered the room. Crossing quickly to the side of the Headmistress Xiomara sat on the desk facing her. She took Minerva’s head in hand; smoothing back stray hairs kissing her cheek and cradling her head in her lap. “I’m here now,” she whispered.

External link here

fandom: harry potter, author: tattooedsappho, challenge99

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