Challenge 98 - Fortitude

Jan 08, 2007 20:09

Title: (Not So) Prepared
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Stacy/Cameron
Prompt: 98 - Fortitude
Rating: R for a word and some images
Word Count: 200
Author's Note: This isn't how I wanted this to turn out. But I couldn't get it that way, so this shall have to do. Cross-posted to my journal.

Cameron had prepared herself for a relationship with House. She knew his sarcasm, could deal with the cutting remarks and withering looks, and thought for sure that she could break through his hard exterior and get to the kinder, gentler man inside.

She had not, in any way, shape, or form, prepared herself for a relationship with Stacy. Instead of the dreamed of relationship with House she had expected, she had somehow fallen into this not-quite-relationship with Stacy. Except that she didn’t know what else to call fucking your boss’ ex that wasn’t going to make it tawdry, which she knew it was, but wasn’t ready to face. So it was a not-quite-relationship in Cameron’s eyes.

Stacy was so much like House, and yet, Cameron never once thought that she could find the kinder, gentler Stacy inside. The years (and probably everything that had happened with House) had made Stacy hard, both outside and in. There was no breaking down her defenses.

Cameron had been prepared for House. But when Stacy was shoving her against walls and biting her lips until she bleed, she often thought that she just didn’t have the fortitude for Stacy. And yet, the not-quite-relationship continued.

challenge98, author: girlie_girl_23, fandom: house

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