Prompt: Around the Clock #1 - beginning
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Farscape
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Aeryn Sun
Rating: R (to be safe, I guess)
Word count: 100
In the beginning, there was space.
Space, and Aeryn Sun.
Aeryn with her low moans and her face-framing wisps of hair, somehow managing to be dark gold and moon pale at the same time. Elizabeth had never loved a woman before discovering the slick heat between Aeryn’s thighs. Time, touch, taste, scent, sight, sound - they were all different now.
Out here the stars gleamed in ways she’d never thought possible, each one a new start, each one a new gun sounding. Out here, Aeryn was her origin and extinction, her alpha and omega, and Elizabeth had never felt as free.