Title: Replacement Addiction
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Olivia/Casey
Prompt: Challenge 95 - Temperance
Rating: PG
Word Count: 130
Author's Note: Cross-posted to my journal.
Everyone believed that the reason Olivia didn’t drink was because her mother had been an alcoholic. Elliott, Munch, Fin, Casey, all of them thought that she was just afraid of turning into her mother.
But that wasn’t the truth. Or at least, it wasn’t the whole truth.
Olivia was afraid of turning out like her mother, but more than that, she didn’t need the alcohol. She already had something to take the place of it.
Because when she kissed Casey, she tasted sweet and fruity. And the smell of Casey’s hair was as fragrant as any bouquet of wine. And laying in bed next to Casey at night was as intoxicating as any alcoholic beverage.
Olivia practiced temperance all right. But only because she’d found something to replace the alcohol.