Title: Becoming
Author: angharad governal (
Prompt: # 92 - Hope
Fandom: Simoun
Pairing: Neviril/Aaeru
Rating: um.. PG i guess
Word count: 100 sans title
A/N: spoilers for ep 17, "The Ruins"
The air whistled around her as she leapt into the Majon pool. She followed Aaeru as she banked and turned her body. She wasn't thinking at all when she pulled the other girl toward her -- the trailing lines of their air jets becoming entangled, becoming one -- an elegant, perfect stream as they arced and soared through the air. She had to move on, they all had to if they were to survive this war.
Aaeru gasped in surprise as Neviril pulled them even closer.
All Neviril saw -- felt -- was hope as her lips touched Aaeru's.