Title: Believable
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Donna/Karen Cahill
Prompt: Challenge 86 - Lies
Rating: PG
Word Count: 115
Author's Note: Takes place during 2.11 The Leadership Breakfast. Crossposted to my journal.
Donna had never been a good liar. So when Josh held up her underwear saying Karen Cahill had sent them over, she didn’t know what to say. Luckily, Sam and Josh had given her the easy way out.
Wearing the same pants twice was exactly something she would’ve done, and as crazy as it sounded, that was more believable than if she’d said that she’d spent the night at Karen’s and had left them there in her haste that morning.
Karen’s note had only said that she’d dropped them. Not that she’d dropped them on Karen’s bedroom floor while frantically unbuttoning Karen’s blouse. So really, she wasn’t telling lies.
She just wasn’t telling the truth.
Title: Getting The Character
Fandom: RPFS
Pairing: Sarah Paulson/Kristin Chenoweth
Prompt: Challenge 87 - Understanding
Rating: PG
Word Count: 150
Author's Note: This came to me because of the fact that Sarah's character Harriet on Studio 60 is based on Kristin. Crossposted to my journal.
She told herself (and Bradley) that the only reason she wanted to meet Kristin was so she could get a better understanding of her character. Bradley set up a meeting for them.
She told herself that she held onto the hug Kristin gave her a few seconds more than necessary and inhaled deeply to memorize the scent of her perfume because she needed to understand her character’s mannerisms.
She told herself that the reason she agreed to go back to Kristin’s place was so she could see where her character would live. She even told herself that the reason she kissed Kristin full on the mouth in the least of platonic ways before she left was so she could get into the head of her character.
And the next day at rehearsal when Aaron praised her for finally getting the character, she just smiled at him. If only he knew.
Title: Catscratch Fever
Fandom: Rent
Pairing: Maureen/Mimi
Prompt: Challenge 89 - Costume
Rating: PG
Word Count: 125
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal.
When Mimi opened the door on New Year’s Eve to find Maureen standing there in the tight latex cat costume she could only smirk.
“What? You don’t like it?” Maureen asked, spinning around to show just how well the catsuit fit her.
“Oh, I like it.” Mimi let her fingers graze across the latex. “But I thought I was the feline of Avenue B.” She grabbed the cat ears and put them on her head.
“Oh is that so?”
“Yes.” Mimi grinned at her.
“We’ll just have to see about that.” Maureen pushed her down on the couch, the ears falling askew.
They were fifteen minutes late to meet the others. Their excuse was that Mimi had had to help Maureen (back) into her costume.