Drabble Tag: Polly/Mal : Apophenia

Sep 26, 2006 18:31

After much editing, and a consultation of Wikipedia, I present "Ink Blots" for your reading pleasure. :-)

Challenge: Drabble Tag.
Prompt: Polly/Mal : Apophenia
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG13

Ink Blots )


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Comments 6

ilthit September 26 2006, 22:58:39 UTC
Eeeeek! :D Glee! Hee! And other such noises! *giggles* Tralala, Polly.

*forces self to be slightly more coherent* That was lovely, :D and a good fit into 250. Hee. Aww. *cough* Thank you!


amazon_syren September 26 2006, 23:18:07 UTC
Hehehe. I am *so* glad you liked it. :-D

Polly, I think, likes to think her libido is under her control.
Mal knows better. ;-)


ilthit September 27 2006, 06:44:49 UTC
And Polly should damn well be grateful for that. :D


amazon_syren September 27 2006, 12:19:56 UTC
Oh, she is... :-)


sheepfairy September 28 2006, 04:08:39 UTC
Heee! And I love the part where all the Ribboners see is blood splatter.


amazon_syren September 28 2006, 12:34:18 UTC
Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean splattered ink isn't too far off from splattered blood, especially when you're seeing everything through a red haze anyway. :-)


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