alphabetsoup: idina/kristin: f, g, j, k, l, r, u

Sep 26, 2006 22:27

Final 7 entries for my alphabetsoup claim.

Fandom: Wicked RPS
Pairing: Idina/Kristin

F is for fatal
Rating: R
Word count: 100

He watches his wife run her hands down another woman’s body with cold detachment. It seems there’s a certain inevitability about this. They met under similar circumstances. It had been a turn on.

Hadn’t been quite so arousing to find her straddling her little, blonde co-star in her dressing room. She had begged and pleaded. Promised him it meant nothing. He had believed her.

Now, as he watches her squeeze Tracie’s ass, he’s sure they’re hurtling along the same track to the same destination. There will always be that niggling doubt. And that’s what will be the end of them.

G is for girdle
Rating: R
Word count: 250

“So? What did you guys think?” Charlotte asked as they filed out onto the street.

“I thought it was wonderful, sweetie.” Carrie muttered, checking her cell.

“You didn’t tell me they were fucking each other!” Samantha interjected.

“Who?” Charlotte asked, confused.

“The two witches?” Miranda asked, nodding at Samantha. “Oh, completely! I mean, that song at the end? Much more romantic than the one with the guy, which was basically ‘Well, we’re both here, we might as well have sex’. The witches were so doing it.”

“They were not!” Charlotte protested. “Elphaba loved Fiyero and they’re going to be happy together.”

“He’s a fucking scarecrow, Charlotte, how happy would you be if you woke up to find someone trying to shove straw into your va…”

“Please! Don’t finish that!” Charlotte begged, holding her hand up.

“Anyway, I wasn’t talking about the characters, I was talking about the actresses fucking each other.” Samantha clarified.

“Nobody is fucking! Why must everyone be fucking? Why can’t we just have a nice night at the theatre without people fucking?” Charlotte ranted.

Samantha draped an arm around Charlotte’s shoulders.

“Honey, I used to be a lesbian so- ”

“I don’t think a week counts as lesbianism, Samantha.” Miranda interrupted.

“-so I know about these things. And that tall one was all over the little one. She could barely keep her eyes off her tits! Although, in that corset, I almost had a relapse myself.”

Charlotte sighed.

“I’m never bringing you to the theatre again. Ever.”

J is for jugular
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 150

Kristin watched the steady pulse in the baby’s neck. The tiny infant slept on, unaware of her silent guardian angel.

“She’s not going to run away in the middle of the night.”

Idina’s whisper was right beside her ear and made her jump slightly. She turned around with a stern look at the ready but it melted away at the sight of Idina, still tousled from sleep. Kristin drew Idina’s arms around her waist and leaned back against her.

“I know she’s not. But I just…sometimes I need to make sure she’s real. That she’s really here.”

Idina dropped her chin to Kristin’s shoulder and pressed their cheeks together.

“I know, me too.”

Kristin turned slightly, surprised.

“You do?”

“Yep, you’re not the only neurotic one. I come in and listen to her breathe.”

Kristin turned back to the crib.

“She’s just so tiny and precious.”

“Just like her mommy.”

K is for knife
Rating: R
Word count: 250

“You tried to stab me!”

“Oh I did not, you are such a drama queen, Menzel.”

Kristin rolled her eyes at the voices coming from the kitchen. When left alone together, Michelle and Idina tended to regress to somewhere around the third grade.

“You fucking tried to stab me, you psycho bitch!”

“I can’t help it if you insist on standing behind me while I’m cutting bread. Trying to sneak a look down my top again, huh? Pervert.”

“Nah, last time I checked there was just a clear view to your feet.”

“Oh, and you’re so well endowed in that area.”

Kristin sighed and walked in to stop the argument before it escalated. Idina immediately pointed at Michelle.

“She just tried to stab me.”

Michelle raised an eyebrow.

“And why are you telling her? What’s she going to do about it?”

Idina ignored her and thrust her hand towards Kristin.

“Look, she drew blood and everything.”

Kristin took Idina’s hand and inspected it.

“I can’t see anything, honey.”

“Look!” Idina insisted, pointing at her thumb.

Kristin squinted. There did appear to be a miniscule cut. She looked up at Idina and stuck her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout.

“Awwww, my poor baby, did you get a boo-boo?”

“If you offer to kiss it better for her, I swear to God I’ll use this knife to slit my wrists.”

Idina raised both eyebrows at Kristin.

“Well? What are you waiting for? That’s the best offer I’ve heard all year!”

L is for loner
Rating: PG
Word count: 100

I have this reputation as a quiet, shy person who doesn’t like the company of others. That’s not true. I’m just very picky about who I spend my time with.

I know people think that Kristin’s good for me. That she brings me out of my shell. Well, kinda. I just want to be wherever she is. If that means at a party with a hundred people, fine. If it means just the two of us in her dressing room, all the better.

Kristin is a people person, she loves noise and bustle. I’m a Kristin person, I love her.

R is for rind
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 150

She absentmindedly plays with the skin of the lime from her drink. Normally she stays away from spirits. Tonight vodka is her friend.

Vodka and soda with a slice of lime, not lemon. Idina’s drink. She smiles sardonically. The reason she is drinking at all is to forget about Idina. It isn’t quite working out that way.

She thinks back to the last time she saw her. The party after her last show. Idina had propped up the bar all night, watching her. Seemed like she drank herself sober. Kristin had danced and laughed and sparkled the whole night. But it was an act the green eyes following her every move could see right through.

At the end of the night, Idina had walked steadily to Kristin, kissed her on the cheek and left.

Now Kristin finds herself in drinking in LA. With nothing but Idina’s favourite drink for company.

U is for undulating
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100

The sky is unnervingly blue. Kristin sits on the sand and watches the waves roll onto the golden sand. It is warm and sunny in California, as always.

Kristin can’t help but think back to a winter’s day in New York. To two people huddled together on a bench in Battery Park under a sky heavy with threatened snow. Two sets of hands clasping a single cup of hot-chocolate. And later watching the snow fall, snuggled under a blanket in a warm apartment.

Kristin shivers from the metaphorical chill of her current surroundings. It is clinical perfection. It isn’t real.

drabble cycle: alphabetsoup

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