Freedom & Coffee (Miss Sloane, Liz/Jane, PG)

May 27, 2018 22:38

Title: Freedom
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 250
Rating: G
Challenge: femslash100 Drabbletag Round 8
Fandom: Miss Sloane
Characters: Liz/Jane
Disclaimer: Miss Sloane is not mine and no profit is made from this work.
Summary: Freedom isn't sweet.

Liz told her-several times in fact-but Jane was so sure she knew the right option for herself.

Title: Coffee
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Challenge: femslash100 Challenge 599: Breakfast
Fandom: Miss Sloane
Characters: Liz/Jane
Disclaimer: Miss Sloane is not mine and no profit is made from this work.
Summary: They share breakfast.

Or rather-Jane devours the muffin she grabbed on the coffee run and Liz savors her coffee. There’s a look on her face Jane rarely saw at Cole Kravitz & Waterman.

Could I get a Fandom: Miss Sloane tag, please and thank you!

challenge599, author: dexstarr, drabbletag8, fandom: miss sloane, challenge600

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