Challenge 599 is now over. Thank you to our challenge participants,
cmk418★, and
crookedspoon★. Thank you to our Drabble Cycle participant,
punk4life1315★. And thank you to our Drabble Tag participants,
agirlnamedtruth★★★★ and
Since this is the tenth challenge week, it's time for a remainder week! You may write for any previous challenge prompts, with an emphasis on catching up on the past nine challenges.
591 - bridge
592 - purpose
593 - joke
594 - freeze
595 - fever
596 - below
597 - mourn
598 - spice
599 - breakfast
Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge: 100 - 250 words, any f/f pairing, any fandom. See the
user info for complete rules. Also, please remember to tag your entries 'challenge600' for remainder week along with the corresponding challenge you've chosen, as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom' and, if applicable, 'crossover.'
Drabble Tag 8 and the
Fanfic Tropes Drabble Cycle are both open for claims, prompts, and fills.