Drabbletag8: Harry Potter: Hermione/Pansy - Tea

May 02, 2018 08:37

Title: Don't Spill A Drop
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Tea
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 250

“Don't spill a drop,” Pansy said as she set the cup and saucer down. She placed it at the small of Hermione's back and watched for a few seconds until she was satisfied it was going to stay there.

Hermione was naked and on all fours in front of the couch. Her own knickers were stuffed in her mouth and around her neck was a green leather collar, studded with silver, with a black leash attached. She watched Pansy step into view and sit on the couch, the leather of it creaked.

Pansy looked Hermione in the eyes as she shimmied out of her lace panties. She stretched them out on her index finger and pinged them at Hermione's face.

Hermione flinched. The tea sloshed dangerously at the edge of the cup but none escaped.

Pansy giggled. She spread her legs wide, and used her fingers to spread herself open, pink and pretty. Hermione swallowed loudly, focusing on keeping still.

“Not a drop now, spill a drop and you'll be punished severely, and I won't let you come for a week.”

Hermione nodded her understanding. Pansy had a cruel streak, Hermione knew she wasn’t making a threat she wouldn't enforce.

Pansy licked her index and middle fingers and started masturbating, rubbing herself in tight circles.

Hermione wanted to touch and taste. She concentrated on keeping still, keeping herself in control.

Pansy rubbed herself harder and faster.

Hermione watched until Pansy came.

The cup of tea on her back remained unspilled.

author: swan_secrets, fandom: harry potter, drabbletag8

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