590 - remainder, 317 - enigma

Mar 18, 2018 15:43

Title: Mystery
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: River/Inara (pre-slash)
Prompt: 590 - remainder, 317 - enigma
Word Count: 135
Rating: G
Summary: Inara isn't easy to read

After Miranda, River tried not to read people any more. Sometimes, it couldn’t be helped, their emotions rang loudly within her head. Simon’s concern, Jayne’s distrust, Mal’s frustration, Kaylee’s delight, and Zoe’s grief were laid bare in her head.

Only Inara remained an enigma. Maybe it was the years of keeping secrets, of pretending to be someone she wasn’t that created layers of mystery. Whatever it was, River found herself gravitating toward the Companion.

On some occasions, when the internal noise became too much, River would visit Inara in her shuttle. Inara was always polite, offering tea and pleasant conversation until River could relax and unwind. In her own way, Inara was as much a reader as River and River appreciated the kindness.

Inara remained a mystery, but some mysteries didn’t have to be solved.

challenge590, challenge317, author: cmk418, fandom: firefly

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