challenge 84 - ring - Rent, Books of Fell, Sports Night, Firefly

Sep 19, 2006 20:14

Author: Alex
Prompt: #84 -- Ring

Title: Winning
Fandom: RENT
Pairing: Maureen/Mimi; also Maureen/April, Maureen/Mark, Maureen/Joanne and Maureen/Benny suggested.
Rating: Hard R
Word count: 246
Summary: Maureen wears April's sweatshirt, Mark's jeans, Joanne's shirt and Benny's ring, and Mimi's going to get them all off.

Mark's jeans are all that come off the first time, but that's okay, because Mimi doesn't even take off her skirt, just slides the jeans off of Maureen, slips her hand under the waistband of her silk panties, and strokes until Maureen is gasping and forgets they're on the couch, that Mimi's half-high, forgets everything and one she's begging for more, Mimi pulls away.

Fourth time, Mimi gives her more, but not enough, and it's Maureen who rips off April's sweatshirt and tries to slide all the way out of her underwear before Mimi licks her one last time and pulls back.

Fifth time, Maureen's not wearing the sweatshirt, and the jeans are off barely ten minutes after she walks through the door, and Joanne's shirt comes off not long after, tossed in the corner and left there (Mimi burns it). Mimi gives her more than ever, lowering her mouth to Maureen's nipples, teasing expertly until Maureen's begging and close. But it's not a complete victory yet, so Mimi still pulls away.

It's not till the twelfth time, when Maureen's wearing her own skirt and her own shirt and no sweatshirts because it's July now and even Maureen can't stand that heat, when Mimi pulls off everything but the underwear. When she wraps her lips around Maureen's finger and sucks on it teasingly, she pulls the ring off with her teeth, and Maureen wants her so badly she lets her.

That's when Mimi's won, and then she gives Maureen everything.


Title: Screaming Nina
Fandom: The Books of Fell (M.E. Kerr)
Pairing: One-sided-Lauren Lasher/Nina Deem
Rating: PG13
Word count:
A/N: ...I can't believe I'm writing this pairing, but c'mon... Screaming Nina?
Summary: Screaming Nina ringing in her ears.

Screaming Nina -- she saw the girl leaving her mom's office once, and she's pretty. So damn pretty. So different-yet-the-same from Lauren, pretty girl, rich girl, calls her father Daddy, broken mind and a smile that doesn't show it.

Screaming Nina, Paul calls her, and Lauren picks up on the nickname so she doesn't have to admit she likes her voice, loves that she gets to hear it so often, gets to hear so many words so she can imagine what other words would sound like.

Screaming Nina's voice in her ears, late at night, "Lasher" she calls her, because Lauren doesn't want to jar herself out of the daydreams. Screaming Nina begging "again", muttering "ohgodohgodohgod" but not saying anything else. Screaming Nina all around her, pretty hands and pretty mouths and pretty bodies twining.

Screaming Nina's voice, screaming in ectasy, ringing in her ear.


Title: Less
Fandom: Books of Fell (ME Kerr)
Pairing: Lauren Lasher/Nina Deem
Rating: R
Word count: 164
Summary: Lauren's the one screaming now.

Screaming Nina turned out to be a suprisingly pleasant person, once she got over Eddie Dragon and she wasn't a voice on the answering machiene trying to get her head on straight.

Lauren's the one screaming now, in bed, late at night, because it turns out she's loud, harsh panting and screaming and begging, and Nina's quiet, her breath like waves, her words soft chants. Nina's gentler, too, licks and sucking and kisses with lips and just the tip of the tongue. Lauren's rough, she learned from Cyr and she fucks like him (Nina call it making love, so they usually just say sex to underplay the difference), bites and clutching and kisses full of teeth and tongue.

Lauren feels like less compared to Nina, less of a lady, less graceful, less beautiful, less perfect, and that's scary and unfamiliar territory, so she's glad that every night, without fail, Nina forgets to take off her ring -- at least there's one thing Nina isn't perfect with.


Title: The Latter
Fandom: Sports Night
Pairing: one-sided Dana/Sally, Dana/Casey
Rating: G
Word count: 153
Summary: Sally is jealous of Dana's ring.

Dana is fiddling with her engagement ring again, grinning dreamily down at it. Sally makes vicious comments as passes by, sharp barbs about her not having any work to do, not even covered as usual, so even Dan wants to know what the hell's wrong with her.

"Do you ever take that off?" she hears Natalie asking as they're walking down the hall.

"Never," Dana replies with a giggle.

"Not even in the shower?"

"Not even in the shower."

Sally pretends she's not jealous of Dana's ring, and as she walks past them in the opposite direction, gives Dana a smile like a poision dart and mentions that the show seemed weak tonight, but Dana doesn't even hear because Casey's walking towards her with a matching goofy grin.

Sally's not sure who she wants to hurt more: Dana, for having Casey; or Casey, for having Dana.

She's starting to think it's the second, though, and that scares her a bit.


Title: Losing Control
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: YoSaffBridgeSaffron/River
Rating: R
Word count: 183
Summary: If I give you a ring, are you my wife too?

Saffron wants to threaten to turn her in, wants to say this doesn't matter, wants to say she's had more than her share of woman and men and River's just another notch in her bedpost.

But it wouldn't be true, and you can't lie to River, so Saffron just kisses her harder and bites at her lip and pretends she's the one in control.

"If I give you a ring, are you my wife too?" River asks the night before Serenity's heading off-planet, and Saffron wants to hit her, wants to smack her until the smile stops playing around her pretty mouth and the life leaves her pretty eyes, but she can't do that, so she bites and sucks at River's neck and leaves her mark there to remind River that she's the owner in this relationship.

Then River's flipped her over, River's undressing her, River's going slow and teasing and doing just what Saffron's thinking she wants and sometimes just the opposite, and she knows she's fooling herself.

When she wakes up, River's long gone, and there's a ring on her nighttable. She wears it.

fandom: the books of fell, fandom: rent, fandom: sports night, challenge84, fandom: firefly, author: soscaredtolove

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