Driving Lessons - for prompt 583 - signal

Jan 24, 2018 21:53

Title: Driving Lessons
Author: cmk418
Fandom: Crossover - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Pairing: Dawn Summers/Illyria
Prompt: 583 - signal
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Dawn is teaching Illyria how to drive

“What is that?” Illyria asked.

“It’s a traffic light. A signal. Red means stop. Green means go,” Dawn said.

“And the one in between?”

“For purposes of the driver’s test, it means wait. In the real world, try to get through the intersection before the light turns red.”

“I used to be able to stop things. All I had to do was command. Now, I am no better than a traffic light.”

“You still are pretty bossy.”

“You like it.”

“I do. Ready to practice your parallel parking?”

“Will I get a reward if I do it correctly?”

“We’ll see.”

fandom: angel, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge583, author: cmk418

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