3 Drabbletag 8 Drabbles | Criminal Minds

Jan 24, 2018 12:45

Title: Ultimatum
Author: Coco | madampresident | grrriliketigers on AO3
Fandom: Criminal Minds: Alex Blake/Erin Strauss
Prompt: anger | Requested by madampresident
Word Count: 100
Summary: Alex is tired of waiting.

“What are you doing?” Erin demanded, opening the door of her apartment to see Alex angrily stuffing her bag with her belongings.

“I’m done with this Erin.” Alex scoffed.

Erin scoffed in response.

“I can’t spend my whole life waiting for you to decide you want to be with me. I get it, it’s about your career. I do get it. But I’m ready to settle down and I gave you an ultimatum.”

“You can’t be serious! I’ve been on an assignment!”

“I gave you two months.” Alex sighed heavily. “And I didn’t warrant any thought in the whole time?”


Title: Sunrise, Sunset
Author: Coco | madampresident | grrriliketigers on AO3
Fandom: Criminal Minds: Alex Blake/Erin Strauss
Prompt:desperation | Requested by madampresident
Word Count: 250
Summary: Erin makes a plea for Alex.

Erin’s palm collided solidly with the hotel room door. “Alex! Please, answer the door!”

She was met with silence. Erin sighed in defeat. “Look, I know you’re in there, I had the front desk buzz you.”

The door was yanked open suddenly and Erin started.

“Please stop yelling in the hallway. You’re going to get me kicked out of here.” Alex pursed her lips. “What do you want.”

“What I’ve always wanted. You.” She whispered.

“God…” Alex rolled her eyes. “You really know how to make someone feel special, like the sun rises and sets on them, don’t you? You only want me when it’s convenient.”

“That’s not true.” Erin insisted. “The sun does rise and set on you; I love you, Alex Blake.”

“You know what the problem is with you and me? You want a wife and I want a partner. I want to feel like we’re in this together.”

“Give me a chance, Alex, please.” Erin pleaded.

“I’ve given you a million chances, Erin.” She shook her head. “I love you… so much, and maybe I always will, but I’m choosing to break my heart this once instead of all the little cracks that I’d get from years of waiting for you and wanting you to be something you’re not and wishing there was something I could do to support you better. You are going to make the choices you are going to make and… I’ve decided to learn to accept that now instead of twenty years.


Title: Complicated
Author: Coco | madampresident | grrriliketigers on AO3
Fandom: Criminal Minds: Alex Blake/Erin Strauss
Prompt: silk sheets | Requested by madampresident
Word Count: 150
Summary: The tables have turned.

Alex slid off of the silk sheets. Erin turned on her side to watch Alex collecting her belongings, slipping on her blouse. “You’re just as beautiful as you were twenty years ago.”

Alex chuckled, pulling on her trousers. “And you’re as much of a sweet talker as always.”

“Will I see you again soon?” Erin asked as Alex sat on the edge of the bed to put on her heels.

Alex turned around and pressed a soft kiss to Erin’s lips. “I’m not sure. James will be home for a couple of months.”

Erin chuckled.

“What?” Alex cocked her head.

“I was just thinking… now I’m the one who’s ready to settle down and have stability and you only want me when it’s convenient for you.”

“I don’t know.” Alex sighed. “It’s not that I… It’s complicated.”

“I know.” Erin took Alex’s hand and pressed soft kisses to her knuckles.

author: madampresident, drabbletag8, fandom: criminal minds

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