Title: The Diplomatic Approach
cmk418Prompt: 582- Tenacious
Fandom: Desert Hearts
Pairing: Vivian Bell/Cay Rivers
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Cay seems to be everywhere
Cay was the most tenacious person that Vivian had ever met. Ever since Vivian had delivered Cay’s mail to the cottage, the younger woman seemed to be pursuing her. Vivian wasn’t sure how to react. She was always taught to be polite and a polite rejection should be offered in this circumstance. However, Vivian didn’t want to drive Cay away. She was alone in a strange town with even stranger people and she needed a friend. Perhaps if she was diplomatic in her acceptance of Cay’s overtures, Cay would see that friendship was all Vivian could offer at this time.