Title: A Luna Lovegood Original
Prompt: Harry Potter: Ginny/Luna - hairclip, requested by
temari778Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Ginny asks, Luna gives.
"Would you make me something?" Ginny asks without thinking-- about the question itself, anyway. She's thinking very much of the snickering that follows Luna's homemade accessories. She's thinking, with more effort, of the promise she made her mother to try to stay of trouble.
"Of course," Luna says immediately, eyes lighting up. "What would you like?"
"Surprise me," Ginny answers. She refuses to regret it.
Even seeing Luna's gift three days later, she refuses to regret it. She couldn't anyway, with Luna's smile behind it. Ginny smiles back, warm and true, and lets Luna secure the clip in her hair.
Title: Lost
Prompt: Harry Potter: Ginny/Luna - lost, requested by
astris_eldalieFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Ginny and Luna have a day trip.
Frustration sticks in Ginny's teeth; when she runs her tongue across them, she tastes shame. Fingers winding tight around Luna's, she says, "I'm sorry. I promised you a nice day."
"But I am having a nice day," Luna says, blinking around at her. She adds with bright honesty, "It's a bit like an adventure, isn't it?"
Ginny snorts but Luna only smiles, squeezing Ginny's hand in hers there in the middle of the bustling Muggle street and then tugging her aimlessly along. Shaking her head, Ginny laughs and lets her. They're already lost, she may as well enjoy the company.
Title: Thestral
Prompt: Harry Potter: Ginny/Luna - thestral, requested by... me ;>>
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Battle of Hogwarts AU. Ginny sees Luna go down.
Ginny falls to her knees in the mud at Luna's side, hands shaking in time with the chaos going on around them as she clutches at Luna's shoulders. She doesn't know who hit Luna, or what they hit her with. It doesn't matter to the blood crawling past Luna's lips anyway.
Hope sparks hot in Ginny's chest as a light comes to life in Luna's eyes that wasn't there before. Then Luna smiles right past her, shining that flickering light into the sky, and whispers, "Mother."
Despite herself, Ginny looks up. Only a skeletal, winged horse flies over her head.