Title: Ma’am
Prompt: #525, deal
Fandom: Scott & Bailey
Pairing: Gill/Rachel
Word count: 100
Summary: Gill’s hands are tied and Rachel’s hot headed
"I hate that you call me 'ma'am' when you're mad at me."
"I'll make you a deal, stop being a twat and I won't get mad atcha." Rachel said coolly.
"That's not fair."
Rachel scoffed. "You know what's not bloody fair?"
"Absolutely nothin'." Gill snapped. "It's not bloody fair that they didn't charge Twat of the Year Nick Savage, nothing that has happened is fair. Now, for fuck's sake, stop acting like I'm not on your bloody side."
Rachel huffed. “I know you are.” She mumbled, scuffing her toes. “I love you.”
Gill blinked in surprise. “I… love you, too.”